Have you ever felt your tongue has been violated by cheap coffee?

Let’s keep things simple. This is not a pronouncement on price but a clarification on value. The quality of coffee is not defined by whether it is accessibly inexpensive or set at a premium price. The defining difference of coffee lies in its acidity. If the coffee in question does not have acidity in it, it will be safe to assume that it is of commercial grade. Watch this video on blind cupping in which a coffee expert compares the flavour and aroma of brews from MacDonalds, 7-Eleven, Dunkin Donuts, Star Bucks, etc.
Dockyardcoffee (DYC) charges affordable prices that are comparatively lower than average roasters in Singapore because we:
1. own an independent space, huge roaster and all other related facilities that manufacture good coffee,
2. buy a certain direct trade coffee as well as responsible produce from the Singapore Green Coffee Trader,
3. only allow a certified barista with shared beliefs of DYC to roast, hence limiting mass or random employment and keeping overheads low,
4. do not sell coffee which bears an acidity score below 80 points.
At DYC, our mantra is grounded in the love for coffee. We wish to offer good coffee at affordable price; one likeminded café at a time. It is widely known in the community that our coffee bears an acidity level higher than usual but is priced lower than most.
The common practices in market now conflict with that of DYC. When roasters have no ownership over working premises and equipment, when greens are sourced indirectly, when the “roasting hands” are not professionally trained or keep changing, the price of the coffee inevitably gets driven up. This result of engineering price is logical when all other factors do not matter. To weed out competition, the other sensible move is to offer consumers coffee, aged over a year, at a heavily discounted price.
Your support in DYC’s practices will ensure that we continue to offer the blends with the great taste, with the right notes, at the best price, in Singapore. Do not settle for anything less because good coffee should taste like this.