Waste (Ways) to Green

When coffee beans are roasted, a husk, akin to a dried skin, is shed. This is chaff, and though it is often discarded as waste, it provides nutrients for plants. When added to compost, it introduces nitrogen and enriches the soil for the healthy growth of plants. Besides recycling a waste product that would otherwise be thrown away, it’s a cheap and effective alternative to soil supplements.
Every month at Dockyardcoffee Roasters, we roast about 500 kilogram of coffee beans, producing about 15 kilograms of coffee chaff as a byproduct that is typically discarded.
Recycling coffee chaff is a way Dockyardcoffee Roasters is adopting sustainable practices and contributing back to the community and environment. We strive to reach out to more communities to spread the word about how coffee chaff can be recycled for a good use.
Today, we are provide coffee chaff and coffee grounds to Hillview Connections Neighbourhood Committee (NC) for their community garden. Mr LeeKZ, a leader of Hillview Connection NC Community Garden, shares, “I am very appreciative of the coffee chaff donated by Dockyardcoffee Roasters, and really look forward to see the plants flourish at the community garden.”
Her are some photos we took during our visit to his garden.
The NC garden measures approximately a size of a basketball court, 15m by 30m. We rarely see such beautiful garden growing about 100 different types of plants. This garden is run by Hillview Connections NC with apporoximate 25 members. Egg plants, bananas, cucumbers, hydroponic leafy plants and even guppies are grown at the garden.
Organic cucumber
Water drawn from the nearby drain goes through a simple filtration system to supply water to the garden.
Founder of Dockyardcoffee (right) with Mr Lee KZ.
Visit the beautiful Hillview Connections NC Community Garden on weekend mornings to watch some of the gardeners in action and the flourishing plants - with Dockyardcoffee's recycled coffee chaff playing a part in it!
For anyone who will like to recycle your coffee grounds, please reach out to admin@dockyardcoffee.com.