This month's tea box will cover some of Taiwan's most unique teas to offer
Each tea will come in 16g which will include:
- 凍頂輕焙 Dong Ding Light Roasted Oolong Tea
This tea is grown in Nantou and only tea grown above 1,200m can be considered Dong Ding Tea. This is our Mr Chen's signature tea farm where he has let the tea farm grown wildly.
- 木柵鐵觀音 Muzha Tie Guan Yin Oolong Tea
The original Tie Guan Yin cultivar was brought over to Taiwan in the late 1800s and grown in Muzha due to its similar climate from Anxi, Fujian. Muzha TGY has retained the traditional heavy charcoal roasting style.
- 炭焙慈峰有機 Ci Feng Mountain Charcoal Roasted Organic Oolong Tea
Ci Feng is based in the Li Shan district and this particular organic tea is grown at an altitude of 1,600m. Growing at such high altitude, the tea grows very slowly but the flavours are very well developed.
- 東方美人 Oriental Beauty Oolong Tea
One of the world's most famous tea. This original Oriental Beauty tea can also be harvested during summer when the insects are out and nip on the tea leaves, resulting in the tea leaves undergo oxidation. This tea is one of the most oxidised Oolong processed tea, and it's processed mainly from tea buds, which gives it another name Bai Hao Oolong (Pekoe Oolong).
- 烏龍紅茶 Bug Bitted Oolong Red Tea
One of the small leaves cultivar that is referred to an Oolong cultivar. This tea is also bug bitten and processed into a red tea, giving rise a nice floral aroma, but ends with the signature red tea flavour.