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Panama l Santa Clara l Renacimiento



 Santa Clara, Renacimiento


Finca Santa Clara, Lot 18 - Summer


 1460 - 1500 MASL






On Crust: Milk Chocolate, Oak

Notes on Filter

Overall: Winey, Floral, Rock Sugar, Earl Grey


Notes on Espresso (This a Killer Espresso)

Overall: Nutmeg, Camomile tea finish with cane sugar

 Panama Vulcan is sold out, this coffee is a new harvest from FST,  which varies from geisha to Catuai and Caturra. We find this coffee worth the price and value. This coffee is so good on the filter and also on espresso. An espresso at any cafe in Panama will certainly be memorable.

This coffee has the most value in terms of profile and prominent winey. 

FST well-established summer caturra plot is situated at 1460-1500MASL. The coffee is grown under a canopy of natural shade which comes from surronding native trees. To achieve this natural processing on raised beds - the cherry is pciked when fully ripe and within hours spread out on beds under high altitude sun. The cherry is turned every few hours for even drying, this takes 4-6 weeks. We finish iff the drying in the oven to help with evenness of the moisture, water content before hulling.


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